Here it is folks, the 10th puzzle and solution. The difficulty of the puzzle definitely increased today. The questions were vague and the answers required some finesse to get them worded in the correct form. For instance, I am certain most of you saw the first answer in
the video, but weren’t exactly sure what shape or word properly described the object. For the second question, more than likely your first guess was water which would have been wrong, and by the third question you were probably just stumped and irritated.

A seemingly-important stone object is extracted from the ground by Silas.
What is its shape? Octagon
An interesting viewpoint is that vantage point from which we last see Silas.
What is the last thing we see him touch? Holy Water
During the action in the video, we see many things shattered and destroyed, but what is it that will ultimately be broken? Silence
I apologize for not being able to actively participate in today's challenge due to the circumstances mentioned earlier. I also want to apologize for closing the comments down to registered users only. Please do consider registering to continue participating in the commentary and sharing your solutions with other readers (it only takes a few seconds to register).
I also need to thank the loyal visitors who promptly stepped up and kindly submitted the answers for the puzzles. Specifically I want to thank mcian for providing the first two answers, and Nicholas Ramey for providing the answer to the third question shortly after my original post. Thanks Guys!!
If you are looking for more information on the Da Vinci Code Quest Challenge visit
Google's Official Blog for more details.