Today's challenge remained at a low level of difficulty, i.e. another five minute or less task. But at least it was a fun simple task, as opposed to a dumb simple task. The challenge required you to put some puzzle pieces together that formed a picture of a location and then surf around on Google Maps to find the name of the city (if you didn't recognize it from the picture).
Well the latter half was more fun then the former becuase you always run across wierd looking images or roads on Google Maps that you would have otherwise never known about. See
MapsMania if you have no idea what I am referring to. My puzzle happened to be of the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, and so the answer to my particular question was New York.
But hey, don't take my word for it check it out for yourself here. If you had a differant puzzle, leave me a link to your Google Map image location in a comment. I am curious to visit all of the differant locations they used (if any). If this is your first visit you can find more information about the challenge here.