This was by far the easiest challenge to date. I will be making three posts over the next three days.
The first post will give you the statistics of this blog over the 24 days of the Da Vinci Code Quest. So if you are wondering how many people are in pursuit of one of those treasured prize items, you'll be interested in this post.
The next post will be about the last day of the puzzle. If your wondering if we will give or not give out the solution to the last puzzle, you'll want to read this one.
And finally, what are we to do after the quest is over. I will blog about any topic of your choosing. If it is related to Google that would be even better, but I won't put any restrictions on it. If there is something you have always been wondering about related to Google, you will want to read and comment on this post.

My question was about the Bishop of Cavaillon. What was the reason for the second present? dog See
this link. Congratulations to David who solved this challenge in the quickest time.
Post your solution to the 21st challenge in the comments below this post.
If you are looking for more information on the Da Vinci Code Quest Challenge visit
Google's Official Blog for more details.